While He Sleeps....
My friend Meg came up with this title for a series of artwork I could create while Sam is slumbering. I think it is a wonderful name for a body of work. Time feels so different now, the way days flow and structure themselves, often moving so rapidly that I have to blink a few times to realize that the clock says five o'clock. I can feel myself using my half hour to hour long snippets of time while my little guy sleeps more productively than I did pre-baby. There is a better sense of completion and a slight frantic pace to get done what I want to before his little blue eyes snap open and demand my attention, which I more than willingly give. Yet another gift to embrace with the emergence of Sam into my life: the abandonment of (some) doubt and any procrastination and just a sense of "do". Action is such a good feeling. I can so easily reside in my head, my mind spinning and weaving the same ideas over and over into such a dense tapestry that there is no room for movement. So much reading and watching and listening recently to the art of failure and the surpassing of fear in order to just go for what you want. If you fail, what is the worse thing? I look at this blog, an idea that has been percolating since Sam's birth, and how finally I just had to start. Even if the design isn't quite right. Even if some of my posts are grammatically frightful. Even if I don't quite know how to fully use Wordpress. The need to write was stronger than any of those slight fears and my time is now (always was) too precious not to do something for myself over the course of the day. And it all might fail. No one might read my words. It might fizzle from lack of action on my part. I am excited to start working on some art and creating While He Sleeps...
This is my piece for the Art Association of Jackson Hole's Whodunit happening this Friday, March 8. I was not going to participate, but my mom talked me into it. I am so glad that I buckled down and got it done because I love this event. Close to 200 artists all create an anonymous piece priced at $99. Attendees go around the gallery and put their name down on a list next to their favorite artwork and then a name from that list is selected at the end of the night...You can go home with a piece of art by someone famous or someone soon-to-be famous!