Spring has Sprung...


At least it is here for now and it feels delightful. The shedding of layers and shoes and socks, the feel of warm air and bright sunshine on bare skin, the green shoots poking up through the unfrozen ground. The birth of new things, the getting-rid of what doesn't serve us anymore, the freedom of being physically lighter....all such cathartic ideas that make Spring such a meaningful season. Watching little Sam relish in the introduction to warm air is magical and makes me smile. I love experiencing with him, reminding me to be curious about the happenings that I sometimes take for granted. IMG_0527

A weekend of family. A walk on the dike in t-shirts, a skin up Snow King Mt., a Sam bath. An amazing Easter feast and time spent lounging on the deck in the sunshine. Feeling really grateful for life and for exceptional husband, parents, baby and dog.


My parents left Jackson this morning, driving the Chinook out of the driveway and pointing it south, to the Utah desert. It already feels a little emptier without them, their presence still strongly felt in the house. Empty tea cups, lovingly made leftovers, the unique folding of laundry and the indentations ofcouch cushions. They will be back and their time here was precious and so appreciated. The emptiness is present today. Maybe for a good part of the week. I love that Sam got to experience them for his first three months of life, got to know their voices and their touch.
