Our First Camping Trip


DSC01618Tomorrow we are traveling to the City of Rocks in Idaho for a four-day climbing, sun-soaking, hiking, relaxing adventure. Powering down the computer and shutting of the cellphones, we will immerse ourselves in the rocky environment that does indeed mimic a city of sorts. The rock formations are beautiful: smooth, rounded, stacked and full of enticing cracks to put your hands in. I love it at the City; it is one of my favorite places to climb. And now we get to introduce it to Sam, which is both extremely exciting as well as a little daunting. The piles of stuff that are already accumulating exemplify the first-time parents first-time camping trip, meaning maybe a bit overboard. But it is hard to know what will keep him entertained or how many outfits might be needed if diapers give way. This is yet another move to incorporate Sam into our lives, into our activities and interests. And while part of me feels like staying home because it is easier, I know that that is exactly why we have to go. It is always easier to stay home. It is not always the experience that will bring the most joy, discovery, curiousity and insight though.